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Machine Lubricant Analyst II (MLA II) / Oil Analysis II

Oil Analysis II (OA II) was designed to foster a deeper understanding of oil analysis. Through case studies, oil analysis reports, and group problem-solving exercises, students will explore oil analysis and its use in making lubrication decisions. The course also explores techniques used to detect the additive, thermal and particle factors that degrade oil.

Course Description

Maintenance professionals in Oil Analysis II will gain everything they need to properly sample, monitor health and detect additive, thermal and particle factors that degrade lubricants via on-site tests and lab analysis. They will review case studies, read and interpret oil analysis reports and participate in group problem-solving exercises. The OA II curriculum is fully aligned with the body of knowledge of the International Council for Machinery Lubrication’s MLA II certification. It also comes with supplemental training materials to ensure knowledge retention

Oil Analysis Course Description
Oil Analysis: What You'll Learn
What You’ll Learn
  • Oil Sampling Best Practices
  • Fluid Properties
  • Contamination Control
  • Wear Particles and Faults
  • Test Results and Oil Report Interpretation
What You Get When You Attend
  • Pre and Post Assessment Tests
  • Lubrication Institute Completion Certificate
  • Study Material

When you leave these courses, you’ll consider the course manual an indispensable on-the-job reference for years to come.

A Sample of What You'll Get

This course is designed to help you prepare for the Level II Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA II) certification exam conducted by ICML. Each participant can choose to apply for the exam for an additional fee.

What our customers say

The list of things learnt which can be implemented are quite long. From contamination control to lube room layout to oil handling.

P. Duraiswamy

Excel Enterprises, Fuches Distributor