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Oil Analysis Report Interpretation and Ferrography

Course Description High-quality oil analysis is one of the most valuable tools in the condition-monitoring toolbox. Oil analysis labs work hard to place critical machine condition data at your fingertips, but it's up to you to take it the rest of the way. In this course, you will learn a systematic approach to translating oil analysis reports into actionable maintenance decisions. You will learn how to select the right tests for measuring the right data points for specific processes, environments and machine conditions. The course also touches on achieving accurate and consistent data collection, removing data noise to accurately identify false results, elemental analysis interpretation, interpreting metallurgical composition combinations to identify wear modes, setting key performance indicators (KPIs) and alarm limits.

Reduce Data Interpretation Errors Even if you do everything else right, the success of an oil analysis program always comes down to correct interpretation of test data. In this course you'll learn a systematic approach to translating your oil analysis data into actionable information. You'll learn how to get the most from your oil analysis program and stop jumping to conclusions too early in the process, reducing errors in interpretation.

Course Topics
  • Using trend report results to identify potential lubricant failures
  • Identifying machine wear and failure modes from report data
  • Determining when to change, clean or restore lubricant properties
  • Identifying when additives have been depleted
  • Using elemental analysis results to determine wear locations and mechanisms
  • Selecting correct test packages for collecting meaningful data on in-service lubricants
  • Extracting meaningful analysis from test reports
  • Determining lubricant condition and actions to ensure optimum lubricant performance
  • Identifying when the environment and operation have impacted the lubricant
  • Applying a systematic approach to reviewing test results and setting next steps
  • Identifying data noise from improper lubricant sampling and diagnosing potential sources
  • Identifying a quality lab based upon key standards
  • Integrating field test and lab analysis results for developing a lubricant health scorecard
  • Applying a systematic approach for quick and effective data interpretation
  • Interpreting results for determining base oil and additive health, process and environmental contamination, filter performance and machine wear
ICML Certification
  • Wear particles analysis/ferrography basics,
  • Wear regimes- Tribological wear patterns.
  • Abrasive wear, Adhesive wear, Fatigue wear
  • Basics of different wear particles as per ASTM D 7690.
  • Identification of particles shape, size and surface texture
  • Heat treatment procedures,
  • Understanding the size and wear particles concentration
  • Severity rating of wear particles and contaminants.
  • Wear particles identification by application type-Engines, turbines, bearings, compressors, gears etc.
  • Identification of wear particle material identification.
  • Identification of Wear particle source determination.
  • Identification of root cause of wear generation
Topics Include
  • Conducting inspections
  • Oil changes
  • Electric motor bearing regreasing
  • Installation of external oil level indicators, valves, quick connectors and more
  • Oil sampling
  • Using top-up containers
  • Oil filtration using a dedicated filter cart
ICML Certification

What our customers say

It was an excellent learning event for me. Gained a fair knowledge on oil analysis, lubrication process, and data interpretation. All trainers and organizers are professional. Wish success to your organization.

Ashis Bar

Reliability Engineer, Chevron, Bangladesh